Category: B

  • Beech nuts

    Beech nuts are small edible nuts that come from the fruit of the beech tree. They can be eaten raw or roasted and have a mild, slightly sweet flavor. They are sometimes used as a substitute for almonds and can be added to baked goods or used as a garnish. In some regions, they are…

  • Beating

    To incorporate air into a mixture or ingredient, it is necessary to agitate it vigorously by turning it over and over in an upward motion. This can be done with a spoon, fork, whisk, or electric mixer. The process is called “whipping.”  

  • Bearnaise sauce

    A type of sauce that belongs to the hollandaise family, but is made with vinegar and tarragon instead of lemon juice, and flavored with eggs and butter. This sauce is often served with broiled fish or meat dishes. There are several variations of this sauce.  

  • Bean sprouts (mung)

    Mung bean sprouts are a type of Chinese bean that is highly regarded in Chinese cuisine for their young and tender sprouts. Fresh sprouts are a good source of B vitamins and vitamin C, and can be prepared in a variety of ways, such as cooking as a vegetable or adding to soups and casseroles…

  • Bavarois

    Eierpunsch, a warm drink that is believed to have originated in Bavaria in the late 17th century, was traditionally served at evening gatherings. To create this beverage, a mixture of eggs and sugar was combined with boiling tea and milk, and then flavored with either a liqueur or other ingredients like coffee, chocolate, orange, or…

  • Battenberg cake

    A type of oblong-shaped cake that features two distinct colors is commonly referred to as a “Battenberg cake.” Typically, this cake is coated in a layer of almond paste.  

  • Basting

    The act of intermittently pouring hot fat or liquid over meat, poultry, or similar dishes while they are being baked or roasted is known as basting. This process is employed to enhance the texture, flavor, and appearance of the dish. Typically, a long-handled spoon or basting tube is used for this purpose.  

  • Baron

    When served as a roast, the two uncut loins and legs of lamb or mutton are referred to as “saddle of lamb” or “saddle of mutton.” In comparison, a “baron of beef” is composed of the two uncut sirloins, left in their bone structure, and is likewise served as a roast.  

  • Barding

    The act of placing slices of fat on top of a bird’s breast prior to roasting is performed to prevent the flesh from becoming excessively dry.  

  • Barcelona nut

    A variety of hazelnut that originates from Spain is typically subjected to kiln-drying to promote its longevity.