Category: B
Abnormally slow respiratory rate.
Brachioradialis muscle
Muscle of the lateral forearm that flexes the wrist when contracted; attached at the head of the radius. Abnormally slowed heart rate; less than 60 beats per minute in an adult.
An abnormal curvature of the arm.
Brachiocephalic lymph duct
Vessel that drains chyme from the arm.
Pertaining to the arm and head.
Bone densitometry
Refers to two types of bone density tests: dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan, and quantitative computerized topography (QCT) which determines the degree of bone mineralization. Tissue in the central cavity of long bones that functions to store fat or produce red blood cells. A radiographic technique used to measure the density of bone, to assess…
Bone autograft
Procedure of using bone taken from the patient’s own body to use to stabilize and fuse with bony structures.
Bladder neck suspension
Surgical fixation of the urethrovesical junction and the bladder neck to an elevated retropubic position to alleviate stress incontinence.
Biot respirations
Periods of apnea alternating with breaths of the same depth.
Bilirubin level
Blood test for unconjugated, conjugated, and total bilirubin levels; levels are abnormal when there is biliary obstruction or liver disease.