Category: A
Artificial pupil
A pupil made by iridectomy when the normal pupil is occluded.
Arterial puncture
Placement of a needle or catheter into an artery to sample blood gases or blood pressure, or positioning of a catheter in the aorta or the heart.
Air pump
A device for forcing air in or out of a chamber.
Apical pulse
A pulse felt or heard over the apex of the heart.
Anadicrotic pulse
A pulse wave with two small notches on the ascending portion.
Anacrotic pulse
A pulse showing a secondary wave on the ascending limb of the main wave. A pulse that has a noticeable dip in its upward phase, both felt by touch and observed on sphygmograms, particularly associated with aortic stenosis.
Alternating pulse
A pulse with alternating weak and strong pulsations. A pulse characterized by alternating large and small pulsations in consistent cycles; an indicator of heart failure.
Abdominal pulse
A palpable pulse felt between the xiphoid process and the navel. This is produced by the pulse of the abdominal aorta.
Athletic pubalgia
Musculoskeletal pain, typically arising from the pubic symphysis, lower abdominal muscles, or the inguinal region of young athletes in whom an inguinal hernia is not present.
Alcoholic psychosis
Loss of contact with reality that results from acute or chronic alcohol use. Examples are pathological intoxication, delirium tremens, Korsakoff’s psychosis, and acute hallucinosis. The total and final decline that can happen in individuals with chronic alcoholism. In one specific form, known as Korsakoff’s psychosis, the person experiences comprehensive mental, ethical, and social decay. A…