Category: A
Acquisition rate
In radiology, the speed with which medical images are recorded, usually expressed in images per second.
Anterior ramus
One of the primary branches of a spinal nerve that supplies the lateral and ventral portions of the body wall, limbs, and perineum.
Artificial radioactivity
Radioactivity resulting from bombardment of a substance with high-energy particles in a cyclotron, betatron, or other apparatus.
Alcohol radical
The portion of an alcohol molecule left when the hydrogen of the OH-group is removed.
Acid radical
The electronegative portion of a molecule when the acid hydrogen is removed.
Auditory radiation
A band of fibers that connect auditory areas of the cerebral cortex with the medial geniculate body of the thalamus.
Actinic radiation
Ionizing, electromagnetic radiation that can produce chemical changes, such as the damage done to skin by ultraviolet sunlight. The component of electromagnetic radiation capable of influencing the emulsion of photographic film, extending far beyond the wavelength spectrum of ultraviolet and visible light.
Achievement quotient
A percentile rating of a child’s score on a test with respect to age, level of education, and peer performance.
Pyogenic cocci
Any of a group of genetically unrelated spherical bacteria that produce pus-forming infections. They include Streptococcus pyogenes, Staph ylococcus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Neisseria meningitidis.
Arterial pyemia
Pyemia resulting from dissemination of emboli from a thrombus in cardiac vessels.