Category: A
Bulbomimic reflex
In coma, contraction of facial muscles following pressure on the eyeball.
Bulbocavernosus reflex
Contraction of bulbocavernosus muscle on percussing the dorsum of the penis.
Bregmocardiac reflex
A reduced heart rate following pressure on the anterior fontanel.
Blink reflex
Sudden closing of the eyelids in response to head turning, loud noises, bright lights, or visual threats. Absence of this reflex occurs in blindness and in injuries to cranial nerves III, V, and VII.
Biceps reflex
Flexion of the forearm on percussion of the tendon of the biceps brachii.
Bainbridge reflex
An increase in heart rate caused by an increase in blood pressure or distention of the heart.
Axon reflex
A reflex that does not involve a complete reflex arc and hence is not a true reflex. Its afferent and efferent limbs are branches of a single nerve fiber, the axon (axon-like dendrite) of a sensory neuron. An example is vasodilation resulting from stimulation of the skin.
Auditory reflex
Any reflex produced by stimulation of the auditory nerve, especially blinking of the eyes at the sudden unexpected production of a sound.
Audito-oculogyric reflex
The sudden turning of the head and eyes toward an alarming sound.
Attention reflex
Change in the size of the pupil when attention is suddenly fixed.