Category: A
Crossed reflex
A reflex in which stimulation of one side of the body results in response on the opposite side.
Convulsive reflex
A reflex induced by a weak stimulus and causing widespread uncoordinated and purposeless muscle contractions; seen in strychnine poisoning.
Clasp-knife reflex
Quick inhibition of the stretch reflex when extensor muscles are forcibly stretched by flexing the limb.
Ciliospinal reflex
Dilation of the pupil following stimulation of the skin of the neck by pinching or scratching.
Ciliary reflex
The normal contraction of the pupil in accommodation of vision from distant to near.
Chin reflex
A clonic movement resulting from percussion or stroking of the lower jaw.
Chain reflex
A reflex initiated by several separate serial reflexes, each activated by the preceding one.
Cat’s eye reflex
In children, an abnormal pupillary flash or reflection from the eye that may be momentary; may be white, yellow, or pink; and is best seen under diminished natural illumination. This reflex, which may be noticed first by a parent, may be caused by various conditions, the most important of which is retinoblastoma. It is also…
Cardiovascular reflex
A sympathetic increase in heart rate when increased pressure in, or distention of, great veins occurs.
Bulbospongiosus reflex
Contraction of bulbospongiosus muscle on percussing the dorsum of the penis.