Category: A
Labyrinthine righting reflex
A reflex, especially a postural reflex, resulting from stimulation of receptors in the semicircular ducts, utricle, and saccule of the inner ear. This reflex helps orient the head in space and to the rest of the body.
Intrasegmental reflex
Reflex that involves only a single segment of the spinal cord.
Intersegmental reflex
A reflex involving several segments of the spinal cord.
Interscapular reflex
A scapular muscular contraction following percussion or stimulus between the scapulae.
Inhibition reflex
The prevention of a reflex action, as inhibiting a sneeze by pressure on a facial nerve as it passes just under the upper lip.
Inborn reflex
An unconditioned reflex; an innate or inherited reflex.
Hypochondrial reflex
Sudden inspiration resulting from abrupt pressure below the costal border.
Hung-up reflex
Slowness of the relaxation phase of deep tendon reflexes; present in hypothyroidism.
Heart reflex
Any reflex in which the stimulation of a sensory nerve causes the heart rate to increase or decrease. An example is the Bainbridge reflex, in which stimulation of sensory receptors in the right atrium by increased venous return results in an increase in heart rate.
Gluteal reflex
Contraction of the gluteal muscles from stimulation of the overlying skin.