Category: A
Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
An abnormal ectopic cardiac rhythm originating in the ventricular conducting system. This may occur intermittently after myocardial infarction at a rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute.
Anterior rhizotomy
Surgical section of the ventral root of the spinal nerve.
Arteriosclerotic retinopathy
Retinopathy accompanying generalized arteriosclerosis and hypertension.
Actinic retinitis
Retinitis caused by exposure to intense light or other radiant energy.
Arterial rete
A vascular arterial network just before the point where arteries become capillaries.
Cerebral resuscitation
The restoration of a patient’s normal neurological function due to effective revival from cardiopulmonary arrest.
Auditory evoked response
Response to auditory stimuli as determined by a method independent of the individual’s subjective response. The electroencephalogram has been used to record response to sound. By measuring intensity of sound and presence of response, one can test the acuity of hearing of psychiatric patients, persons who are asleep, and children too young to cooperate in…
Apneustic respiration
Breathing marked by prolonged inspiration unrelieved by attempts to exhale. It is seen in patients who have had the upper part of the pons of the brain removed or damaged.
Amphoric respiration
Respiration having amphoric resonance. A resonant blowing sound detected over lung cavities, caused by the reverberation from the cavity walls.
Accelerated respiration
Respiration occurring at a faster rate than normal, considered accelerated when it exceeds 25 per minute in adults. Increased frequency may result from exercise, physical exertion, excitement, fear, exposure to high altitudes, and many metabolic, hematological, cardiac, and pulmonary diseases.