Category: A

  • Silicoanthracosis

    Silicosis combined with anthracosis, in coal miners.  

  • Air bronchogram sign

    Radiographic appearance of an air-filled bronchus as it passes through an area of increased anatomic density as in pulmonary edema and pneumonia.  

  • Arteriovenous shunt

    An abnormal connection between an artery and the venous system.  

  • Anatomical shunt

    A normal or abnormal direct connection between arterial and venous circulation. An example of a normal anatomical shunt is the bronchial and thebesian vein connection.  

  • Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder

    A condition that causes shoulder pain, with restricted movement even though there is no obvious intrinsic shoulder disease. This may follow bursitis or tendonitis of the shoulder or may be associated with systemic conditions such as chronic pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction, or diabetes mellitus. Prolonged immobility of the arm favors development of adhesive capsulitis. The…

  • Anesthesia shock

    Shock due to an overdose of a general anesthetic. The anesthetic should be immediately withheld and oxygen, mechanical ventilation, and vapor drugs should be given.  

  • Antigenic shift

    A major change in the genetic makeup of an organism, usually resulting from gene reassortment or occurring when different species share genetic material. The influenza virus type A is the most common example of an organism that undergoes antigenic shift. This process may create a new pathogen against which there is no immunity in the…

  • Axon sheath

    A myelin sheath or a neurilemma.  

  • Antilymphocyte serum

    An antibody-containing serum used to reduce rejection of transplanted organs and tissues. Its immunosuppressive effects are directed against B and T lymphocytes, the cells that promote the formation of antibodies and of cell-mediated immunity.  

  • Aromatic series

    Any series of organic compounds containing the benzene ring.