Category: A

  • Alveololingual sulcus

    The space in the floor of the mouth between the base of the tongue and the alveolar ridge, on each side extending from the frenum of the tongue back to the retromolar wall.  

  • Anti-G suit

    A garment designed to produce uniform pressure on the lower extremities and abdomen. Normally the suit is used by aviators to help prevent pooling of blood in the lower half of the body during certain flight maneuvers. The garment has also been used in treating severe forms of postural hypotension. The suit’s usefulness in treating…

  • Assisted suicide

    Providing a patient with the means for ending his life (usually a prescription for a lethal dose of barbiturates), knowing that the patient intends to use it to commit suicide. Although someone other than the patient supplies the means, the patient is the person who takes action to end his life. For AS to occur,…

  • Anterior perforated substance

    The portion of the rhinencephalon lying immediately anterior to the optic chiasm. It is perforated by numerous small arteries.  

  • Subclavius

    A tiny muscle from the first rib to the undersurface of the clavicle.  

  • Acquired stuttering

    The sudden appearance of stuttering in a person over age 10 with no previous history of an articulation disorder. It may occur after a stroke, after the administration of certain drugs (e.g., theophylline), as an affectation, or as a reaction to unusually stressful circumstances.  

  • Anorectal stricture

    A fibrotic narrowing of the anorectal canal.  

  • Annular stricture

    Ring like obstruction of an organ involving the entire circumference of a structure.  

  • Adenosine stress test

    A test for coronary artery disease that uses the drug adenosine as a vasodilator, usually along with radionuclide imaging of the heart or echocardiography. The drug is used in place of physical exercise to demonstrate obstructions in the coronary arteries (e.g., in patients who cannot perform physical exercise or whose exercise testing results have been…

  • Abduction stress test

    A maneuver to assess whether a patient has suffered a ligamentous injury to the knee. With the patient’s hip extended over the edge of the examining table, the examiner externally rotates the patient’s lower extremity at the ankle, while providing internal rotation from the lateral border of the thigh.