Category: A

  • Air syringe

    A syringe on a dental unit that delivers compressed air, water, or both through a fine nozzle to clear or dry an area or to evacuate debris from an operative field.  

  • Serological tests for syphilis

    Nonspecific blood tests for syphilis. Two general types are available: (1) Procedures that identify the presence of a nontreponemal antibody against a lipoidal agent that is generated in response to infection with Treponema pallidum (i.e., a reagin). These tests include the Wassermann, the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory, and the rapid plasma reagin tests. (2) An…

  • Chronic synovitis

    Synovitis in which an undue amount of fluid remains in the cavity and the membrane itself is edematous. Prolonged inflammation causes thickening of the membrane and articular structures by plastic exudation and the formation of fibrous tissue, which increases joint dysfunction and exacerbates symptoms. The joint is weak but not esp. painful, except on pressure…

  • Annular synechia

    An adhesion of the iris to the lens throughout its entire pupillary margin.  

  • Axosomatic synapse

    The synapse between the axon of one neuron and the cell body of another.  

  • Axodendritic synapse

    The synapse between an axon of one neuron and the dendrites of another.  

  • Alarm symptom

    A symptom that raises the concern that a patient may have a severe illness and requires careful evaluation. For example, in patients with digestive illnesses, findings such as anemia, anorexia, bleeding, dehydration, fever, weight loss, or a family history of cancer or inflammatory bowel disease are considered alarm symptoms.  

  • Accidental symptom

    A symptom occurring incidentally during the course of a disease but having no relationship to the disease.  

  • Accessory symptom

    A minor symptom, or a non-pathognomonic one.  

  • Air swallowing

    Voluntary or involuntary swallowing of air. It occurs involuntarily in infants as a result of improper feeding. Adults may swallow air during eating or drinking.