Category: A
Ascending urography
Urography in which the radiopaque contrast agent is injected into the bladder during cystoscopy.
Anterior urethritis
Inflammation of that portion of the urethra anterior to the anterior layer of the triangular ligament.
A-mode ultrasound
A form of diagnostic ultrasonography in which imaging data are represented as echo amplitudes (on the y-axis) and time (on the x-axis), similar to the way electromagnetic waves are represented on an oscilloscope.
Arterial duplex ultrasonography
A diagnostic procedure that helps to identify areas within arteries where blood flow is blocked or reduced.
The division of acoustics that studies inaudible sounds, i.e., those with frequencies greater than 20,000 cycles/sec (20,000 Hz or 20 kHz). Biological effects may result, depending on the intensity of the beams. Heating effects are produced by beams of low intensity, paralytic effects by those of moderate intensity, and lethal effects by those of high…
Amputating ulcer
An ulcer that destroys tissue to the bone by encircling the part. An encompassing, deep ulcer, such as one around a toe, which can ultimately result in the total loss of the affected part, as observed in the disease yaws.
Athletic type
Having broad shoulders, a deep chest, flat abdomen, thick neck, and powerful muscular development.
Asthenic type
Having a thin, flat, long chested body build with poor muscular development.
Articular tubercle
The tubercle at the base of the zygomatic arch to which is attached the temporomandibular ligament; it is lateral to the articular eminence of the glenoid fossa, with which it is often confused.
Adductor tubercle
The tubercle of the femur to which is attached the tendon of the adductor magnus.