Category: A
Arterial varix
A varicosity or dilation of an artery.
Aneurysmal varix
A direct communication between an artery and a varicose vein without an intervening sac.
A crystalline compound found in vanilla pods or produced synthetically; used for flavoring foods and in pharmaceuticals.
Medical vagotomy
Administration of drugs to prevent function of the vagus nerve.
Artificial vagina
A vagina constructed by plastic surgery for a patient whose vagina was removed for treatment of carcinoma or one who has congenital absence of the vagina.
Autophagic vacuole
A vacuole that contains recognizable fragments of the ribosomes or mitochondria.
Vaccine safety datalink project
A collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and several major managed care organizations and health insurers to assess the effects of vaccinations on public health. The VSD has studied the effects of vaccination on autism, hair loss, thrombocytopenia, and neurological development in children.
Adsorbed anthrax vaccine
A cell-free, aluminum hydroxide-adsorbed vaccine, administered to raise protective antibodies against Bacillus anthracis. Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax and has been used in biological warfare.
Antitumor vaccination
The injection of tumor associated antigens (e.g., from melanomas or other solid tumors) into cancer patients in an attempt to raise a long-lasting and effective immune response against the tumor. The tumor antigen is often presented to the vaccinee in the presence of dendritic cells, in order to improve the presentation of the antigen and…
Aquagenic urticaria
Urticaria caused by exposure of the skin to water.