Category: A
The person who first scientifically described a plant species.
Absolute zero
The temperature at which all molecular motion (translational, vibrational, rotational) ceases. It is the lowest possible temperature, 273.15°C or -459.6°F; equal to 0° Kelvin.
Abdominal wound
A wound that damages the abdominal wall and intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal organs and tissues. A careful examination (often including peritoneal lavage, ultrasonography, or computed tomographic scanning of the abdomen) is necessary to determine the precise nature of the injury and the proper course of treatment. Superficial injuries may require no more than ordinary local care;…
Continuous loop wiring
The forming of wire loops on both mandibular and maxillary teeth to provide attachment sites for rubber bands. These are used in treating fractures of the mandible.
Arch wire
A cable, usually made of metal, that is used to apply tension to the teeth in orthodontics.
Aortic window
In radiology, in a left anterior oblique or lateral view of the chest, a clear area bounded by the aortic arch, the bifurcation of the trachea, and the pericardial border.
Weber’s gland
One of the mucous glands of the tongue.
Esophageal web
A group of thin membranous structures that include mucosal and submucosal coats across the esophagus. They may be congenital or may follow trauma, inflammation, or ulceration of the esophagus.
A young child or infant recently changed from breast to formula feeding.
Stretch weakness
The apparent weakness of a muscle resulting from prolonged positioning in a lengthened position, thus shifting the muscle length-tension curve to the right; a form of positional weakness. This phenomenon is observed when the force production of the lengthened muscle is limited when it is tested in a relatively short position.