Category: A
Self-assured; able to stand up for oneself and express feelings in a nonthreatening way.
A person who physically attacks another person.
Artificial pacemaker
A small, battery-operated unit that is connected to the heart and produces electrical impulses that make the heart beat regularly. A device powered by built-in batteries that regulates the heart’s rhythm, which has been increasingly implanted surgically in recent times.
Antagonistic interaction
An interaction that occurs when drugs are taken together and each drug’s effect is canceled out or reduced by the action of the other.
Acute stage
The stage of an illness during which the symptoms are most severe.
To choose not to take a particular action.
Axonal damage
Injury to the axon in the nervous system, generally as a consequence of trauma or disease. This damage may involve temporary, reversible effects or permanent severing of the axon. Axonal damage usually results in short-term changes in nervous system activity, or permanent inability of nerve fibers to send their signals from one part of the…
Assistive devices
Any tools that are designed, fabricated, and/or adapted to assist a person in performing a particular task (e.g., cane, walker, shower chair).
Afferent pupillary defect
An abnormal reflex response to light that is a sign of nerve fiber damage due to optic neuritis. A pupil normally gets smaller when a light is shined either into that eye (direct response) or the other eye (indirect response). In an afferent pupillary defect (also called Marcus Gunn pupil), there is a relative decrease…
Affective release
Also called pseudo-bulbar affect or pathological laughing and crying; a condition in which episodes of laughing and/or crying occur with no apparent precipitating event. The person’s actual mood may be unrelated to the emotion being expressed. This condition is thought to be caused by lesions in the limbic system, a group of brain structures involved…