Category: A
Anxiety sensitivity
Fear and worry that one will experience anxiety or panic.
Anterior cingulate
Region of the limbic system that plays a major role in the emotional control system because of its extensive connections with the thalamus and its connections with other parts of the limbic system.
Anger management
Application of cognitive, relaxation, and social skills training to regulate anger.
One of the Big Five traits with soft-hearted, trusting, and good-natured characteristics.
According to the tend-and befriend model, it is the process of seeking out others in order to form groups for joint protection against threat.
Aerobic fitness
Also known as cardiorespiratory fitness; refers to the ability of the body’s heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to the muscles during sustained physical activity.
Adaptive immune system
Also known as the acquired or specific immune system, this slower but more advanced line of defense against antigens remembers past invaders and other antigens and consists of T-cytotoxic, T-helper, and B lymphocytes as well as immunoglobulins. The component of the immune system responsible for generating targeted responses to specific antigens and retaining immunological memory.…
Activating event
The first phase of Ellis’s ABC model that represents the stimulus event.
Acceptance and commitment therapy
A mindfulness-based psychological intervention program designed to promote defusion, acceptance, experience of the present moment, connecting to values, and committed action to cultivate psychological flexibility.
Abstinence violation effect
A process whereby a person experiences a temporary relapse back to a previous habit or lifestyle and then uses all-or nothing thinking to justify abandonment of the newly adopted habit or lifestyle.