Category: A
Over-growth of an adamantoblast.
An enamel-forming cell present only during tooth formation.
A tumor of the jaw, especially of the lower one, that arises from enamel-forming cells and may be partly cystic, partly solid. It may be benign or of low-grade malignancy.
Very hard; said of enamel of teeth.
Tetanus toxoid, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis, adsorbed vaccine.
General formula RC=0; in organic chemistry, the radical derived from an organic acid when the hydroxyl group (OH) is removed.
Inability to discern blue colors. Also called acyanopsia.
Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis
A form of acute leukemia in which multiple cell lines develop aberrantly, infiltrate internal organs, e.g., the spleen, and cause extensive bone marrow fibrosis.
Acute coronary syndrome
Any circumstance that suddenly impairs blood flow through the coronary arteries. Acute coronary syndrome includes all forms of acute myocardial infarction (i.e., those that cause Q waves on the electrocardiogram and those that do not, as well as those that cause S-T segment elevation and those that do not), and unstable angina pectoris. An umbrella…
Acute chest syndrome
A complication of sickle cell disease resulting from vascular occlusion or infection in the lungs and marked by chest pain, tachypnea, fever, rales and rhonchi, leukocytosis, and lobar consolidation.