Category: A

  • Aflatoxicosis

    Poisoning caused by ingestion of peanuts or peanut products contaminated with Aspergillus flavus or other Aspergillus strains that produce aflatoxin. Farm animals and humans are susceptible to this toxicosis.  

  • Affiliated clinical site

    An academic, for profit or not-for-profit institution that contracts with a university to provide educational opportunities for its students.  

  • Affidavit

    A voluntary written or printed statement of facts that is confirmed by the person’s oath or affirmation.  

  • Afferent loop syndrome

    A group of gastrointestinal symptoms that occur in some patients who have had partial gastric resection with gastrojejunostomy. The condition is caused by partial obstruction of an incompletely draining segment of bowel. In some cases there is bacterial overgrowth in the afferent loop. Symptoms include abdominal bloating, nausea, vomiting, and pain after eating.  

  • Aesthetics

    The philosophy or the theory of beauty and the fine arts. These concepts are esp. important in dental restorations and in plastic and cosmetic surgery. Also spelled esthetics.  

  • Aesculapius

    The Roman name for the god of medicine; son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis.  

  • Aerourethroscopy

    Visual examination of the urethra when distended with air.  

  • Aerourethroscope

    An apparatus for visual examination of the urethra after dilatation by air.  

  • Aerotropism

    The tendency of organisms, especially bacteria and protozoa, to move toward air (positive aerotropism) or away from it (negative aerotropism).  

  • Aerotitis

    Inflammation of the ear, especially the middle ear, due to failure of the eustachian tube to remain open during sudden changes in barometric pressure, as may occur during flying, diving, or working in a pressure chamber.