Category: A

  • Agglutinable

    Capable of agglutination.  

  • Age specific

    To data, especially, in vital statistics and epidemiology, that are related to age.  

  • Antiulcer agent

    A drug used to prevent or treat ulcers of the stomach or small intestine.  

  • Age discrimination act

    Also known as Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 29 U.S.C. subsection 621 (1967), a law that prohibits unfair and discriminatory treatment in hiring, promotion, compensation, discharge, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment by an employer against anyone 40 years old or older. In health care, this act has been used to challenge the termination of…

  • Biological age

    One’s present position in regard to the probability of survival. Determination of biological age requires assessment and measurement of the functional capacities of the life-limiting organ system (e.g., the cardiovascular system).  

  • Advanced maternal

    A term used to describe the age of women for whom pregnancy presents increased risks either to the fetus or to the mother. In the medical literature this age is variably stated as being over 30, 35, or 40.  

  • Agaric

    A toxic or hallucinogenic mushroom, especially species of the genus Agaricus. A particular variety of fungi that is widely utilized in culinary practices. The given passage pertains to a group of fungi, which encompasses various species of mushrooms that can be either edible or poisonous in nature.  

  • Against medical advice

    A patient’s refusal of medically recommended treatments, especially in the hospital. Dropping out of care or leaving a hospital AMA typically occurs when patients are dissatisfied with the pace or course of their care, carry substance abuse diagnoses, or have a history of multiple hospitalizations. The action may result in an increase in both morbidity…

  • Aftertreatment

    Secondary treatment or that which follows the primary treatment regimen.  

  • Aftersensation

    A sensation that persists after the stimulus causing it has ceased. A feeling that continues even after the initial cause has ceased.