Category: A

  • Alder reilly anomaly

    Large dark leukocyte granules that stain lilac. They consist of mucopolysaccharide deposits and are indicative of mucopolysaccharidosis.  

  • Alcohol use disorders identification test

    A survey of ten questions to diagnose those people whose alcohol consumption has become harmful to their health. The audit questionnaire includes three questions about a person’s possible dependence on alcohol, three that determine the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption, and four that delve into any problems that may have been caused by a…

  • Alcohol-dependent sleep disorder

    Inability to sleep without consuming alcohol. The alcohol is used as a sedative/hypnotic drug.  

  • Alcaligenes xylosoxidans

    A species that does not ferment glucose. It has been implicated rarely in lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis and in other health-care associated infections in patients with immunosuppressing or malignant illnesses.  

  • Albumin test

    Any chemical test for the presence of albumin, usually with electrophoresis, chromatography, spectrophotometry, spectrometry, or immunoassay, and sometimes by simple chemical reactions on dipsticks.  

  • Albuminosis

    An abnormal increase of albumin in blood plasma.  

  • Albuminoreaction

    The presence (positive reaction) or absence (negative reaction) of albumin in the sputum. A positive reaction was formerly used to indicate inflammation of the lungs.  

  • Albumin globulin ratio

    The ratio of albumin to globulin in blood plasma or serum. Normally this value is 1.3:1 to 3.0:1.  

  • Albuminate

    The compound formed when albumin combines with an acid or alkali (base).  

  • Albuginea testis

    The thick, unyielding layer of white fibrous tissue lying under the tunica vaginalis.