Category: A

  • Allocative efficiency

    In economics and sociology, the extent to which a product or a service, e.g., hemodialysis, is provided to an entire community, rather than just to a subgroup of that community.  

  • Allocation

    The assignment or distribution of assets or duties.  

  • Alloantigen

    An antigen in the blood or tissue of a donor that is not present in the recipient, which can therefore trigger an immune response.  

  • Alliteration

    A speech disorder in which words beginning with the same consonant sound are used to excess.  

  • Alli’s sign

    A clinical finding in patients with a fractured or dislocated femoral head, in which a finger can be inserted into the fascia lata femoris between the greater trochanter and the iliac crest.  

  • Alliesthesia

    The perception of an external stimulus as pleasant or unpleasant, depending upon internal stimuli. A particular stimulus may be perceived as pleasant at one time and unpleasant at another.  

  • Allesthesia

    Perception of stimulus in the limb opposite the one stimulated. A yellow oil released from garlic when it is bruised, crushed, or chewed. The oil is antibacterial and antifungal and lowers serum cholesterol levels.  

  • Allergoid

    A chemically altered allergen used in immunotherapy to induce tolerance to an antigen. Allergoids differ from the allergens they derive from in that they produce an IgG antibody response stronger than an IgE (hypersensitivity) response.  

  • Allen cognitive level screen

    A standardized method of assessing information processing based on a theory that postulates six levels of cognitive function. It is used widely by occupational therapists.  

  • Allelozyme

    An enzyme that has multiple genetic variants (i.e., one that has small substitutions in its genetic coding and protein structure). Also known as allozyme.