Category: A

  • Altretamine

    A drug used for treating persistent or recurrent ovarian cancer.  

  • Alternator

    An electrical generator that produces alternating current. A device that produces an alternating voltage by rotating its armature or field using a motor, engine, or other mechanisms.  

  • Alternaria

    A genus of fungi of the Dematiaceae family. The fungus can cause pneumonitis and may cause wound or skin infections in immunocompromised patients. It has been implicated as the cause of pulmonary disease in wood pulp workers.  

  • Alphavirus

    A genus of the family of Togaviridae viruses (e.g., Sindbis virus; Semliki forest virus) transmitted to humans by mosquito bite. They may cause fever, rash, or CNS infection.  

  • Alpha methyltryptamin

    A hallucinogenic compound derived from tryptamine, a crystalline amine formed from tryptophan. It is known colloquially as “spirals.  

  • Alpha-methyiacyl-CoA racemase

    An antibody that is primarily used in histopathology to stain tissues suspected of representing carcinoma of the prostate gland. Its presence substantiates the diagnosis. AMACR is also present in some colonic and some kidney cancer specimens.  

  • Alpha-hydroxy acid

    A water-soluble acid derived from fruit or milk, having a hydroxyl moiety in the first position in the molecule. AHAs are used in chemical peels and other skin care products to remove the outer layer of the epidermis. This chemical exfoliation is promoted for its cosmetic effects on wrinkled or sun-damaged skin,  

  • Alpha granule deficiency syndrome

    A rare autosomal dominant bleeding disorder in which the alpha granules of platelets lack adenosine diphosphate, which is critical for proper platelet targeting and clumping in response to injury. The platelet count may be abnormally decreased, and the bleeding time is usually prolonged. The abnormality in platelet granulation is visible with an electron microscope. The…

  • Alpha-fetoprotein kit

    A monoclonal antibody test for the presence of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in vaginal secretions, used in cases of suspected premature rupture of membranes. In healthy pregnancies AFP is detectable in the amniotic fluid but is present only in very low concentrations in vaginal secretions. If there is leakage of amniotic fluid into the vagina as a…

  • Alpha-D-galactosidase

    An enzyme, derived from Aspergillus niger, used in treating intestinal gas or bloating.