Category: A

  • Amalgamator

    A device that provides a mechanical means of amalgamation. This can also be done by hand using a mortar and pestle.  

  • Amalgamation

    The process of combining mercury with silver, tin, and copper to produce a dental restorative alloy called amalgam.  

  • Amalgamate

    The combining of mercury with silver, tin, and copper to produce a dental restorative alloy called amalgam.  

  • Alymphoplasia

    Failure of lymphatic tissue to develop.  

  • Alymphocytosis

    Decreased number or absence of lymphocytes in the blood. Severe shortage or total absence of lymphocytes in the bloodstream.  

  • Alymphia

    Complete or partial deficiency of lymph.  

  • Alveus hippocampi

    A layer of white matter covering the ventricular surface of the hippocampus. The axons forming the alveus are from the hippocampus and subicular cortex. The axons of the alveus collect to form the fimbria (the beginning of the fornix).  

  • Alveolotomy

    Surgical incision of the alveolus of a tooth.  

  • Alveololingual

    Concerning the alveolar process and tongue.  

  • Allergic alveolitis

    Inflammation of the bronchial tree, interstitial tissue, and alveoli of the lung caused by a hypersensitivity reaction to an inhaled antigen. With repeated exposure, large numbers of macrophages form granulomas, which damage and scar lung tissue. The inhaled allergens that most often trigger allergic alveolitis are molds and other fungi, vegetables, mushrooms and mushroom compost,…