Category: A

  • Amma therapy

    A traditional Chinese form of massage composed of pushing and pulling movements (as well as percussion and stretching) applied to a variety of body parts to acupressure points on the body.  

  • Amitriptyline hydrochloride

    A tricyclic antidepressant administered orally or intramuscularly. Common side effects are drowsiness, sedation, and dry mouth.  

  • Aminopurine

    An oxidation product of purine; includes adenine and guanine.  

  • Aminolysis

    Metabolic transformation of amino-containing compounds by removal of the amino group.  

  • Aminobenzen

    The simplest aromatic amine, C6H7N; an oily liquid derived from benzene. It is used in the manufacture of medical and industrial dyes.  

  • Aminoacidopathies

    Various disorders of amino acid metabolism, of which there are nearly 100, including cystinuria, alkaptonuria, and albinism.  

  • Aminoacidemia

    Excess of amino acids in the blood.  

  • Amine

    Any one of a group of nitrogen-containing organic compounds that are formed when one or more of the hydrogens of ammonia have been replaced by one or more hydrocarbon radicals.  

  • Amnesic amimia

    Amimia in which signs and gestures can be made but their meaning is not remembered.  

  • Amide

    Any organic substance that contains the monovalent radical CONH2. It is usually formed by replacing the hydroxyl ( — OH) group of the — COOH by the — NH2 group.