Category: A

  • Amnestic

    A drug that impairs memory.  

  • Ammonium thiosulfate

    The chemical in fixing solution that removes unexposed silver bromide crystals from radiographic film during the development process. Liquid fixer that clears the film by dissolving unexposed, undeveloped silver bromides.

  • Ammonium hydroxide

    A solution of ammonia in water, used as a household cleaner and a refrigerant; NH4OH.  

  • Ammonium chloride

    A compound used as an expectorant and as an acidifier in treating acid-base balance; NH4C1.  

  • Ammonium carbonate

    A compound used in preparing aromatic ammonia spirit; (NH4)2C03.  

  • Ammonium alum

    Aluminum ammonium sulfate, an astringent.  

  • Aammoniemia

    Excessive ammonia in the blood. Normally, only faint traces of ammonia are found in the blood. Increased amounts are due to a pathological condition such as impaired fiver function.  

  • Ammoniacal

    Having the characteristics of or pert, to ammonia.  

  • Ammoaciduria

    An abnormal amount of ammonia and amino acids in the urine,.  

  • Ammeter

    An instrument, calibrated in amperes, that measures the quantity (number of electrons) in an electric current. An instrument or meter that is inserted in series within an electrical circuit to measure the flow of current, commonly known as amperage.