Category: A

  • Amphichroic

    Turning red litmus paper blue, and blue litmus paper red.  

  • Amphibolism

    Metabolic pathways that lead to both catabolic and anabolic outcomes, such as beta-oxidation of fatty acids by the liver. The resulting acetyl groups may enter the citric acid cycle for energy production or may be used for the synthesis of other lipids or steroids.  

  • Amphiblastula

    A form of blastula in which the blastomeres are of unequal size; seen in sponges.  

  • Amphibia

    A class of cold-blooded animals that live on land and in water; includes salamanders, frogs, and toads. They breathe through gills during their aquatic larval stage but through lungs in their adult stage.  

  • Amphetamine sulfate

    A synthetic white crystalline substance that acts as a central nervous system stimulant;(C9H13N)2S04. It is used to treat narcolepsy and certain types of mental depression. Use of amphetamine sulfate to control appetite is contraindicated. High doses are toxic, and prolonged use may cause drug dependence.  

  • Amperage

    The rate of flow of electrons in an electrical circuit. Electric charge passing through a specific location within a specified timeframe can be measured using a unit known as an ampere. Remarkably, a single ampere corresponds to approximately 6.241 x 10¹⁸ electrons traversing a designated point along a wire within the span of a solitary…

  • Amoebapore

    A pore-forming protein used by Entamoeba histolytica to destroy red blood cell membranes. Amoebepores are localized in cytoplasmic vesicles and appear to destroy erythrocytes intracellularly rather than being released outside the cell to destroy host cells.  

  • Amniotic band disruption sequence syndrome

    A collection of fetal malformations associated with multiple fibrous strands of amnion that appear to develop or entangle fetal parts in utero. This leads to structural malformations and deformations and disruption of function. Defects associated with this condition include limb defects and amputations; abnormal dermal ridge patterns; simian creases; clubbed feet; craniofacial defects, including cleft…

  • Amniote

    Any animal or group belonging to the Amniota, a major group of vertebrates, the members of which develop an amnion. Included are reptiles, birds, and mammals.  

  • Amnioinfusion

    The instillation of fluid, usually normal saline, into the amniotic sac to increase the amniotic fluid volume. This is usually done by using a catheter passed through the cervix into the uterine cavity (or rarely, through the abdominal wall).