Category: A

  • Anadidymus

    A developmental abnormality in which the upper parts of the bodies of twins are fused, but the buttocks and legs are free.  

  • Anacrotic

    To the ascending or vertical upstroke of a sphygmogram.  

  • Anaclasis

    Refraction or reflection of light.  

  • Anacatesthesia

    A sensation of hovering.  

  • Anacamptometer

    A device for measuring the intensity of deep reflexes.  

  • Anabolic agent

    Testosterone, or a steroid hormone resembling testosterone, which stimulates the growth or manufacturing of body tissues. Anabolic steroids have been used, sometimes in large doses, by male and female athletes to improve performance, especially in events requiring strength. This use has been judged to be illegal by various organizations that supervise sports, including the International…

  • Amyluria

    Starch in the urine.  

  • Amylophagia

    Abnormal craving for starch. A peculiar behavior known as amylophagy involves the compulsive consumption of refined starch, often derived from sources like cornstarch or laundry starch. This act of consuming purified starch in an uncontrollable manner is characterized by an intense craving and indulgence in this particular substance.  

  • Amylolysis

    Hydrolysis of starch into sugar in the process of digestion.  

  • Amylodextrin

    Soluble substance produced during the hydrolysis of starch into sugar.