Category: A

  • Active anaphylaxis

    Anaphylaxis resulting from injection of an antigen.  

  • Anaphylactoid reaction

    A reaction that resembles anaphylaxis (e.g., characterized by hives, angioedema, laryngeal edema, or shock) but does not involve IgE antibodies or allergens and therefore is without an allergic basis.  

  • Anaphrodite

    A person with impaired or absent sexual desire.  

  • Anaphrodisia

    Diminished or absent desire for sex.  

  • Anaphoria

    The tendency of the eyeballs to turn upward.  

  • Anamorph

    The asexual state of fungi (i.e., the state in which fungi reproduce by mitosis rather than by the union of two cell nuclei and meiosis). Fungi that reproduce anamorphically are said to be “imperfect” fungi. Fungi that reproduce sexually are said to be “perfect.”  

  • Anamnestic reaction

    The rapid reappearance in the blood of antibodies to an antigen after re-exposure to the antigen. Anamnesia is a cell-mediated phenomenon caused by the presence of antigen-specific memory B lymphocytes.  

  • Automated analyzer

    A chemical instrument designed to perform assays with a minimum of human intervention.  

  • Analyze

    To separate into parts; to examine methodically.  

  • Analytical reading

    Thinking carefully, critically, and deeply while reading. The act of making sense of an author’s writing by comparing and contrasting it with one’s experiences, feelings, thoughts, and previously gained knowledge.