Category: A

  • Anatropia

    Tendency of eyeballs to turn upward.  

  • Anatricrotis

    The existence of three beats on the ascending line of a sphygmogram.  

  • Anatomist

    A specialist in the field of anatomy. A biomedical expert who possesses specialized knowledge in instructing anatomy or conducting comprehensive anatomical investigations and research.  

  • Antiperistaltic anastomosis

    Anastomosis between two parts of the intestine such that the peristaltic flow in one part is the opposite of that in the other.  

  • Anastole

    Shrinking away or retraction of the edges of a wound.  

  • Anaspadias

    Congenital opening of the urethra on the dorsum of the penis; or opening by separation of the labia minora and a fissure of the clitoris.  

  • Anapophysis

    An accessory spinal process of a vertebra, especially a thoracic or lumbar vertebra.  

  • Anaplasmosis

    Infection with species of Anaplasma. Although the disease is usually found in cattle, humans may sometimes contract it after a tick bite. Anaplasmosis is characterized by fevers, chills,  muscle aches, headache, and interstitial pneumonia.  

  • Anaplasma phagocytophilum

    A small gram-negative coccus that is an obligate intracellular parasite. It can be transmitted to humans by tick bite and is the cause of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis or human granulocytic anaplasmosis. It was formerly called Ehrlichia phagocytophila.  

  • Aggregate anaphylaxis

    Anaphylaxis stimulated by the presence of antigen-antibody complexes in the blood, which in turn cleave complement and degranulate (lose granules) mast cells and basophils.