Category: A

  • Andragogy

    The study of adult education and how it differs from the education of children.  

  • Andersen syndrome

    An autosomal dominant channelopathy in which abnormal potassium release by cardiac orsomatic cells results in a triad of symptoms, including life-threatening ventricular irritability. Affected patients are prone to periodic paralysis, prolonged QT syndrome with cardiac dysrhythmias, and subtle facial findings (e.g., broad forehead with narrow maxilla or chin).  

  • Ancyroid

    Shaped like the fluke of an anchor.  

  • Ancylostomatidae

    A family of nematodes belonging to the suborder Strongylata. It includes the genera Ancylostoma and Necator, common hookworms of humans.  

  • Ancylostoma duodenale

    Species of hookworm that commonly infests humans, causing ancylostomiasis; widely found in the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and Asia.  

  • Ancylostoma caninum

    Species of hookworm that infests dogs and cats and may cause cutaneous larva migrans in humans.  

  • Ancylostoma braziliense

    Species of hookworm that infests dogs and cats and may cause cutaneous larva migrans in humans.  

  • Anchoring error

    A mistake made in reasoning in which a judgment is made that depends excessively on preconceptions, bias, or an initial point of reference. For example, a patient on a hospital neurology service is found unconscious. Her caregivers assume (are committed or anchored to the idea) that, like many other patients cared for on the neurology…

  • Anchorage

    Surgical fixation, as of prolapsed abdominal organs.  

  • Anchor

    Any structure that provides stability for a prosthetic dental appliance such as a crown, bridge, or denture. The anchor may be a metal or ceramic implant; a cast restoration, such as a crown; or a natural tooth.