Category: A

  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

    Anemia caused by antibodies produced by the patient’s own immune system that destroy red blood cells. They are classified by the thermal properties of the antibody involved; the “warm” form is most common and may be associated with viral infections. Drug-induced hemolytic anemias are clinically indistinguishable from AIHA; for that reason, they are classified with…

  • Anejaculation

    The inability to release semen. Spinal cord injury is a frequent cause.  

  • Androstane

    A steroid hydrocarbon, C19H32, that is the precursor of androgenic hormones.  

  • Andropause

    The psychological and physiological changes caused in aging men by the gradual decrease in male hormones. Andropause is thought by some researchers to be a male equivalent of menopause. Its signs and symptoms include bone loss, loss of lean body mass, depression, fatigue, and diminished sexual interest and decreased sexual potency. It is treated with…

  • Andromorphous

    Resembling a male in physical structure and appearance.  

  • Androgynu

    A female pseudohermaphrodite.  

  • Androgynoid

    A person possessing female gonads (ovaries) but secondary sex characteristics of a male (a female pseudohermaphrodite). Term is less commonly used for a person possessing male gonads (testes) but secondary sex characteristics of a female (a male pseudohermaphrodite).  

  • Androgenetic

    Caused by, or pertaining to, male hormones.  

  • Androgalactozemia

    Oozing of milk from a man’s breast.  

  • Andro

    The colloquial name for “androstenedione.”