Category: A

  • Aneurysmoplasty

    Surgical repair of an aneurysm.  

  • Aneurysmectomy

    Surgical removal of the sac of an aneurysm.  

  • Atherosclerotic aneurysm

    Aneurysm due to degeneration or weakening of the arterial wall caused by atherosclerosis.  

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm

    A localized dilatation (saccular, fusiform, or dissecting) of the wall of the abdominal aorta (the portion of the descending aorta that passes from the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm into the abdomen, descending ventral to the vertebral column, and ending at the fourth lumbar vertebra, where it divides into the two common iliac arteries). It…

  • Aneuploidy screening

    The testing of embryos for evidence of sex-linked diseases and structural chromosomal defects before their implantation in the uterus during assisted reproduction. Aneuploidy screening is one means of decreasing the risk of genetic diseases in implanted embryos.  

  • Anetoderma

    Localized laxity of the skin with protruding, saclike areas. These lesions are due to loss of normal skin elasticity. They may be excised.  

  • Open anesthesia

    Application, usually by dropping, of a volatile anesthetic agent onto gauze held over the nose and mouth.  

  • Anesthesia dolorosa

    Pain in an anesthetized zone, as in thalamic lesions. Intense pain in a specific body part that is simultaneously unresponsive to touch. This phenomenon is observed in specific spinal cord disorders.  

  • Audio anesthesia

    Anesthesia produced by sound; used by dentists to inhibit pain perception.  

  • Anesthecinesia

    Sensory and motor paralysis.