Category: A

  • Ankylotia

    Stricture or imperforation of the external auditory meatus of the ear.  

  • Artificial ankylosis

    The surgical fixation of a joint.  

  • Ankylosed

    Fixed; stiffened; held by adhesions. Joined together. This phrase is typically employed when discussing joints in which the two surfaces have been fused through a surgical procedure, resulting in a solid joint that is no longer functional.  

  • Ankyloproctia

    Stricture or imperforation of the anus.  

  • Ankylopoietic

    Indicating the presence of ankylosis.  

  • Ankylodactylia

    Adhesion of two or more fingers or toes.  

  • Ankylochilia

    Adhesion of the upper and lower lips.  

  • Ankle clonus reflex

    A reflex elicited by quick, vigorous dorsiflexion of the foot while the knee is held in a flexed position, resulting in repeated clonic movement of the foot as long as it is maintained in dorsiflexion. In women with pregnancy induced hypertension, this reflects hyperirritability of the central nervous system and increased risk for eclamptic convulsions.…

  • Ankle clonus

    Repetitive extension-flexion movement of the ankle muscles, associated with increased muscle tonus; a common symptom of corticospinal disease. A significantly heightened ankle reflex, which serves as an indication to the doctor of a nervous system disorder.  

  • Anisoaccommodation

    Difference in the ability of the eyes to accommodate.