Category: A

  • Antixerotic

    Preventing dryness of the skin.  

  • Antivivisection

    Opposition to the use of live animals in experimentation. The resistance to conducting laboratory experiments on live animals to assess the safety of remedies for human use.  

  • Antivenereal

    Preventing or curing sexually transmitted diseases.  

  • Antiurolithc

    Dissolving or preventing the formation of calculi in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder.  

  • Antitubercular

    Preventing or treating tuberculosis.  

  • Antitrismus

    A condition in which the mouth cannot close because of tonic spasm.  

  • Antitoxin unit

    A unit for expressing the strength of an antitoxin. Originally, the various units were defined biologically but now are compared with a weighed standard specified by the U.S. Public Health Service and the World Health Organization.  

  • Antitoxinogen

    An antigen that stimulates production of antitoxin.  

  • Antithyroid

    Preventing or inhibiting the functioning of the thyroid gland. A substance designed to inhibit the functioning of the thyroid gland, particularly in its production of thyroid hormones. This type of agent is crucial in medical treatments for conditions where the thyroid is overactive or producing excessive hormones. By targeting the gland’s hormone synthesis process, it…

  • Antithenar

    The eminence on the ulnar side of the palm, formed by the muscles of the little finger.