Category: A

  • Aortic arch syndrome

    Partial or complete blockage of the main arteries that arise from the aortic arch. Diminished blood flow to the parts of the body supplied by those arteries may lead to stroke, retinal infarct, or arm pain and weakness. One cause of this rare syndrome is Takayasu’s arteritis.  

  • Aortic septal defect

    A congenital abnormality in which there is a communication between the ascending aorta and the pulmonary artery, requiring surgery to correct.  

  • Aortic body

    A chemoreceptor in the wall of the arch of the aorta that detects changes in blood gases (especially oxygen) and pH. It stimulates reflex changes in heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure that restore normal blood oxygen levels. It is innervated by the vagus nerve.  

  • Anxiety state

    A condition marked by more or less continuous anxiety and apprehension. A psychological condition characterized by constant anxiety and worry, accompanied by episodes of intense fear and panic. Symptoms include heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, nausea, and other physical reactions stemming from nervous irritation of the organs.  

  • Anvil

    A common name for the incus, the second of the three bones in the middle ear. One of the three small bones in the ear that constitutes a part of the hearing mechanism. It’s also known as the incus.  

  • Artificial anus

    An opening into the bowel formed by colostomy.  

  • Anulus fibrosus

    The outer portion of the intervertebral disk, consisting of concentric rings of collagen fibers (lamellae) oriented in varying directions and designed to withstand tensile and compressive loads on the spine as it transmits weight.  

  • Anulus

    A ring-shaped structure; a ring.  

  • Anuclear

    Lacking a nucleus, said of erythrocytes.  

  • Antrotympanitis

    Chronic inflammation of the tympanic cavity and mastoid antrum.