Category: A

  • Armamentarium

    The total equipment of a physician or institution, such as instruments, drugs, books, and supplies.  

  • Articulated arm

    A jointed instrument used in imaging and in therapeutic procedures (e.g., to permit stereotactic localization of deep anatomical structures; to guide the collection of ultrasonic images; or to focus or direct laser energy).  

  • Aristolochic acid

    An herbal remedy derived from Aristolochia. It is promoted as an aphrodisiac, a weight loss agent, and an anticonvulsant.  

  • Aristolochia

    Any derivative from one of several species of plants of the genus Aristolochia, also known as Virginia snakeroot, Texas snakeroot, and guaco, promoted as botanical dietary supplements.  

  • Arise time

    In sleep medicine the time when a person gets out of bed after sleeping as opposed to the time a person becomes alert and awake after sleep.  

  • Arhinencephaly

    Incomplete formation of the anterior cerebral hemispheres of the brain and related or neighboring structures.  

  • Argyrophil

    Denoting cells that bind with silver salts, which can then be reduced to produce a brown or black stain.  

  • Argon plasma coagulation

    The destruction of tissues with heat generated by applying an electrical current to an argon plasma. The plasma distributes heat to a minimal depth so that only superficial structures are coagulated while deeper ones remain undisturbed. APC is used in several applications, e.g., in the destruction of some superficial cancers and in the treatment of…

  • Argininosuccinicaciduria

    A hereditary metabolic disease caused by excessive excretion, and thus deficiency, of argininosuccinase, an enzyme required to metabolize argininosuccinic acid. Presentation of this defect includes mental retardation, friable tufted hair, convulsions, ataxia, fiver disease, and  epilepsy.  

  • Arginine hydrochloride

    Arginine salt of hydrochloric acid.