Category: A
Accommodative asthenopia
Asthenopia due to strain of the ciliary muscles.
An individual who is affected with asthenopia.
A sluggish pupillary light reflex.
Condition of reduced biological activity of an animal, resembling hibernation but not related to temperature or humidity.
A craniometric point at the junction of the lambdoid, occipitomastoid, and parietomastoid sutures.
Any disease condition in which there is persistent scaling of the skin, suggesting deficiency or absence of sebaceous secretion.
A radioactive element, atomic number 85, atomic weight 210.
Similarity of sounds in words or syllables.
Association test
A test used to determine an individual’s response to verbal stimuli. The nature of the response and time required may provide insight into the subject’s personality and previous experiences.
Associated reaction
Involuntary and nonfunctional spontaneous movements associated with the performance of difficult or stressful intentional motion.