Category: A

  • Atriplicism

    Poisoning due to eating one form of spinach, Atriplex littoralis.  

  • Atrioventricularis communis

    Persistence of the common atrioventricular canal. In this congenital anomaly of the heart, the division of the common atrioventricular canal in the embryo fails to occur. This causes atrial septal defect and atrioventricular valve incompetence.  

  • Atriotome

    A surgical instrument used to open the cardiac atrium.  

  • Atrioseptopexy

    Surgical repair of an interatrial septal defect.  

  • Atrichosis

    Congenital absence of hair.  

  • Aortic atresia

    Congenital closure of the aortic valvular opening into the aorta.  

  • Atorvastatin

    A lipid lowering drug used to treat elevated serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.  

  • Atomizer

    An apparatus for converting a jet of liquid to a spray, The battery-operated electric coil housed within an e-cigarette, responsible for vaporizing the e-liquid. It incorporates a wick that draws the e-liquid for the purpose of vaporization.  

  • Atomize

    To convert a liquid to a spray or vapor. One way to diminish the size of liquid particles is to subject them to high pressure as they pass through a nozzle that is suitable for the task. Alternatively, applying drops of the liquid to a spinning disc can also result in the production of fine…

  • Atomization

    Converting a fluid into spray or vapor form.