Category: A

  • Axillary node dissection

    The surgical removal of lymph nodes that drain a breast affected by breast cancer to debulk the tumor or to evaluate the nodes for evidence that the tumor has spread.  

  • Axilla conformer

    A splint designed to prevent adduction contractures after severe burns to the axillary region.  

  • Axenic

    Germ free, as pert, to animals, or pure, as pert, to cultures or microorganisms; sterile. This text elucidates the concept of a culture that contains only a solitary species and is devoid of any other extraneous influences, resulting in a culture that is considered to be a pure, unadulterated form of that particular species.  

  • Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome

    A congenital disorder of the anterior chamber of the eye with anomalous development of the iris. The ocular manifestations are always present in both eyes. Glaucoma develops in nearly half of all patients. Patients with A-R syndrome may also have developmental anomalies in other organs, including the skin, heart, facial bones, teeth, and pituitary gland.…

  • Award

    An amount of money paid to the party prevailing in a lawsuit.  

  • Avoirdupois measure

    A system of weighing or measuring articles in which 7000 grains equal 1 lb.  

  • Avoidable decline

    A preventable decrease in- the functional abilities of a person, e.g., a resident of a care facility.  

  • Avogadro’s law

    Equal volumes of gases at the same pressure and temperature contain equal numbers of molecules.  

  • Avivement

    Surgical trimming of wound edges before suturing them.  

  • Avelli’s paralysis syndrome

    Paralysis of half of the soft palate, pharynx, and larynx and loss of pain, heat, and cold sensations on the opposite side.