Category: A

  • Aryepiglottic fold

    The ridgelike lateral walls of the entrance to the larynx.  

  • Amniotic fold

    The folded edge of the inner fetal membrane where it rises over and finally encloses the embryo of birds, reptiles, and some mammals.  

  • Acidulated phosphate fluoride

    A fluoride compound used to prevent dental caries, available in solution and gel. It has often been used by dental professionals as a cariostatic agent.  

  • Ascitic fluid

    Clear, pale, straw-colored fluid occurring in ascites. The fluid is normally sterile; its specific gravity is normally 1.005 to 1.015; the cellular content is less than 250 white blood cells per cubic millimeter, and its protein content is low. Cancer, heart failure, liver failure, peritonitis, and tuberculosis may alter the amount or character of ascites.…

  • Allantoic fluid

    Fluid found in the fetal membrane that develops from the yolk sac.  

  • Anorectal flexure

    The sharp forward bend at the anorectal junction as the rectum passes through the pelvic diaphragm muscles. This acute bend, which is normally maintained by the puborectalis sling muscles, helps to keep feces in the rectum. During defecation the pelvic diaphragm muscles relax (so the puborectalis sling relaxes) and the sharp bend between rectum and…

  • Amputation flap

    A flap of skin used to cover the end of a part left after an amputation.  

  • Anterior median fissure

    In the spinal cord, the groove that runs along the ventral midline.  

  • Auditory field

    The space or distance from the individual within which he or she hears sounds.  

  • Afferent fiber

    A nerve fiber that carries sensory impulses to the central nervous system from receptors in the periphery.