Category: A

  • Auscultatory gap

    A period of silence that sometimes occurs in the determination of blood pressure by auscultation. It may occur in patients with hypertension or aortic stenosis.  

  • Anion gap

    The difference between the measured cations sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) and the measured anions chloride (CP) and bicarbonate (HC03_). In accordance with the principle of electroneutrality, in any body fluid the number of net positive charges contributed by cations must equal the number of net negative charges contributed by anions. The apparent difference is…

  • Autonomic ganglion

    A ganglion of the autonomic nervous system.  

  • Aorticorenal ganglion

    A ganglion lying near the lower border of the celiac ganglion. It is located near the origin of the renal artery.  

  • Abdominal ganglion

    Any autonomic nerve ganglion located in the abdomen.  

  • Antalgic gait

    A gait in which the patient experiences pain during the stance phase and thus remains on the painful leg for as short a time as possible.  

  • Atrioventricular furrow

    The groove demarcating the atria of the heart from the ventricles.  

  • Attributable fraction

    The percentage of instances of an illness that can be accounted for by a particular risk factor. For example, people exposed to asbestos have a certain risk of developing lung cancer, and if they also smoke tobacco, they are also at risk from that factor. These risks may be estimated from cohort studies.  

  • Adult foster care

    Long-term care for elderly individuals in an adult foster care facility. Typically, such a facility resembles a residence rather than a nursing home and may have fewer regulations than a nursing home.  

  • White forelock

    A white tuft of hair that grows on the forehead. It is associated with Waardenburg syndrome, and is seen in vitiligo.