Category: A

  • Acinous gland

    A gland whose secreting units are composed of saclike structures, each possessing a narrow lumen.  

  • Acinotubular gland

    A gland structurally midway between an acinous and a tubular gland.  

  • Accessory gland

    A small gland similar in function to another gland of similar structure some distance removed.  

  • Alveolar gingiva

    The part of the gums that covers the alveolar processes of the jaw ones.  

  • Acromegalic gigantism

    Gigantism characterized by overgrowth of the bones of the hands, feet, and face, owing to excessive production of pituitary growth hormone after full skeletal growth has been attained. A form of gigantism where the features of acromegaly are also present, layered on top of the symptoms of gigantism.    

  • Abdominal gestation

    Ectopic pregnancy in which the embryo develops in the peritoneal cavity.  

  • Aerosol generator

    A device that produces minute particles suspended in air from liquid materials such as medicines in solution. These particles may be used in inhalation therapy.  

  • Antiseptic gauze

    Gauze containing any chemical that kills or retards the growth of microorganisms.  

  • Acute gastritis

    Acute, sudden irritation of the gastric mucosa. It may be caused by ingestion of toxic substances such as alcohol or poisons or overuse of NSAIDs. Symptoms include anorexia, nausea, epigastric pain, vomiting, thirst, and, when patients become dehydrated, prostration. Therapy includes antacids, H2 receptor blockers, or proton pump inhibitors (all of which reduce gastric acidity).…

  • Gartner cyst

    A cyst developing from a vestigial mesonephric duct (Gartner’s duct) in a female.