Category: A

  • Arachnoid granulation

    Folds of the arachnoid layer of the cranial meninges that project through the inner layer of dura mater into the superior sagittal sinus and other venous sinuses of the brain. Through them, cerebrospinal fluid reenters the bloodstream.  

  • Axillofemoral bypass graft

    The surgical establishment of a connector between the axillary artery and the common femoral arteries. A synthetic artery graft is used and implanted subcutaneously. This technique is used in treating patients with insufficient blood flow to the legs (peripheral vascular disease).  

  • Avascular graft

    A graft in which vascular infiltration does not occur.  

  • Autologous graft

    A graft taken from another part of the patient’s body.  

  • Allogeneic graft

    A graft from a genetically nonidentical donor of the same species as the recipient.  

  • Axial gradient

    A gradient of physiological or metabolic activity exhibited by embryos and many adult animals, the principal one of which follows the main axis of the body, being highest at the anterior end and lowest at the posterior end.  

  • Average gradient

    In sensitometry, a measure of the contrast of the film or film screen system by determination of the slope of the sensitometric curve. The quantification of the extent or sharpness of the linear segment within the H&D curve, specifically between 0.25 and 2.00, is performed to determine its measurement.  

  • Alveolar gradient

    A gradient. The difference between the calculated oxygen pressure available in the alveolus and the arterial oxygen tension. It measures the efficiency of gas exchange.  

  • Anterior pituitary gonadotropin

    One of the two anterior pituitary hormones that affects the ovaries or testes: follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone.  

  • Adenomatous goiter

    A goiter caused by the growth of an encapsulated adenoma.