Category: A
Absolute hyperopia
Hyperopia in which the eye cannot accommodate.
Artificial hyperemia
Bringing of blood to the superficial tissues by means of counterirritation, such as may be produced by coining, cupping, or acupuncture.
Hydrops folliculi
An accumulation of fluid in the graafian follicle of the ovary.
Acute hydrocele
The most common hydrocele. The majority of cases occur suddenly between the second and fifth years, usually the result of inflammation of the epididymis or testis.
Aromatic hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon in which the carbon atoms are in a ring, or cyclic, configuration.
Aliphatic hydrocarbon
A straight-chain hydrocarbon that contains no cyclic component.
Alicyclic hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon that contains cyclic and straight-chain components.
Asteroid hyalosis
Suspended spherical white bodies, made of calcium salts, in the vitreous humor of the eye. Usually in one eye and not associated with decreased vision.
Asteroid hyalitis
One of the spherical or star-shaped bodies in the vitreous of the eye, caused by inflammation.
Absolute humidity
The actual mass of water vapor in a volume of gas, expressed as grams per cubic meter or milligrams per liter. It usually refers to ambient air or gas in the mechanical ventilator circuit. The quantity of moisture vapor existing in the atmosphere at a specific moment.