Category: A

  • Adrenal insufficiency

    Abnormally low production of cortisol. Primary adrenal insufficiency results inadequate cortisol production by the adrenal glands, such as Addison’s disease. Secondary adrenal insufficiency results from a decrease in the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or its release from the pituitary gland.  

  • Active insufficiency

    The loss of the ability to generate muscle tension because of muscle shortening.  

  • Activities of daily living instrumental

    Those daily living skills, such as cleaning, cooking, managing finances, and shopping, that are needed to maintain life at home.  

  • Altitude insomnia

    A form of altitude sickness in which insomnia results from inadequate environmental oxygen. It occurs commonly in mountaineers and to a lesser extent in aviators. It is often accompanied by appetite disturbances, fatigue, headaches, and shortness of breath.  

  • Animal inoculation

    The injection of serums, microorganisms, or viral organisms into laboratory animals for the purpose of immunizing them or of investigating the effects of the inoculated material on them.  

  • Acute lung injury

    A clinically severe, sudden decline in lung function, marked by infiltrates in both lung fields and significantly diminished arterial oxygen saturation. There is no evidence that the condition is caused by left-sided heart failure. The disease is similar to adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Like ARDS, ALI may be life threatening. ALI is distinguished from…

  • Acceleration-deceleration injury

    An injury caused when the body at motion abruptly comes to a stop and the body structures are contused from within (e.g., whiplash or brain contusion, rupture of the splenic or hepatic capsules).  

  • Acceleration injury

    Head injury caused when the head remains stationary and is hit by a moving object (e.g., a batter being hit in the head by a baseball).  

  • Aromatase inhibitor

    Any of several drugs that block the synthesis of estrogen in the body. A number of these agents have been developed to treat breast cancer, which is often a hormone-responsive malignancy. A pharmaceutical substance employed to impede the production of estrogen within the body, thereby serving as a preventive or therapeutic measure against breast cancer…

  • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor

    An oral drug that lowers blood sugars by preventing carbohydrate absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.