Castor Oil

A pale yellow, vegetable oil from the seeds of the Castor Bean plant.

A vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the castor plant, with many medicinal and household uses. Available at health food stores.

A plant oil which acts as a laxative.

A fixed oil expressed from the seed of the castor-oil plant Ricinus communis. It is used externally as an emollient and internally as a cathartic. It is hydrolyzed to ricinoleic acid, which acts as an irritant type of laxative.

Castor oil, a transparent or slightly yellow-tinted oil, is derived from the leaves of the castor oil plant, Ricinus Communis. When taken orally, castor oil irritates the lining of the small intestine and exerts a potent laxative effect, resulting in complete evacuation of the bowel. In the form of a soothing ointment, castor oil is combined with zinc to treat various conditions like nappy rash, providing relief and promoting healing.

Castor oil is a vegetable oil used both as a laxative and as gentle, neutral eye drops. One of its unique benefits as a laxative is its ability to cleanse the entire digestive system, starting from the upper part of the intestinal tract. It is sometimes used in midwifery to clear the bowels before labor. However, a drawback is that it can lead to several days of constipation after completely emptying the bowels. Despite this, it is also employed to treat certain types of diarrhea.




