Carbon Dioxide

A colorless, odorless gas that can be formed by the body and is necessary for the respiration cycle of plants and animals.

A colorless gas produced in the oxidation of carbon. It has the chemical formula C02 in very small quantities may act as a respiratory stimulant.

A colourless gas produced by the body’s metabolism as the tissues burn carbon, and breathed out by the lungs as waste.

All bacteria require traces of CO2 for growth, obtaining this from air or by oxidation – fermentation processes within the bacterium itself. A few species—fir. abortus especially—require environmental 5-10 per cent CO2 in air for initial isolation. Micro-aerophiles do not have particular CO2 requirements, but the gas may be used to dilute oxygen in the culture environs.

Colorless, odorless gas (CO2) given off from the lungs as a waste product of respiration. Carbon dioxide levels in the blood regulate the breathing rate, and the acid- base balance of the blood and other body fluids is influenced by the levels of carbon dioxide and its compounds.

A colorless, odorless, tasteless gas formed from carbon and oxygen. Carbon dioxide is found in nature, both as part of the atmosphere and in combination with other elements as carbonates. Carbon dioxide is what produces the bubbles in natural mineral waters and carbonated soft drinks. Carbon dioxide also causes bread dough to rise and is used in fire extinguishers. Carbon dioxide is a product of the burning of fuels that contain carbon, such as coal, oil, gasoline, and natural gas. The presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been growing steadily, thus upsetting the natural balance of the ecosystem and leading to the greenhouse effect and global warming. It Can accumulate in indoor areas that have poor ventilation. Too much carbon dioxide in these areas can cause headaches, difficulty concentrating, and shortness of breath. Carbon dioxide may also be a cause of sick building syndrome.

A colorless gas formed in the tissues during metabolism and carried in the blood to the lungs, where it is exhaled (an increase in the concentration of this gas in the blood stimulates respiration). Carbon dioxide occurs in small amounts in the atmosphere; it is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis. It forms a solid (dry ice) at -75°C (at atmospheric pressure) and in this form is used as a refrigerant.

A colorless gas that is heavier than air and is produced in the combustion or decomposition of carbon or its compounds. It is the final metabolic product of carbon compounds present in food. The body eliminates C02 through the lungs; if C02 accumulates in body fluids, the pH will decrease. It is also given off by decomposition of vegetable and animal matter and is formed by alcoholic fermentation as in rising bread. Green plants absorb it directly from the air and use it in photosynthesis. Approx. 1 sq m of leaf surface can absorb the C02 from 2500 L of air in 1 hr. An acre of trees uses an estimated 4t/2 tons (4082 kg) of C02 a year. Commercially, C02 gas is used in carbonated drinks and the solid form is used to make dry ice.

A colorless, odorless gas that is formed in the tissues by the oxidation of carbon and is eliminated by the lungs.

A gas emitting light that is readily absorbed by the skin, making it a popular choice for skin resurfacing procedures.

Carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas composed of one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms, with the chemical formula CO2. It is found in small quantities in the atmosphere and serves as an important by-product of cellular metabolism. During the breakdown of substances such as carbohydrates and fats to generate energy, carbon dioxide is produced. It is subsequently transported through the bloodstream to the lungs, where it is exhaled from the body.

Carbon dioxide plays a role in regulating the rate of respiration. During exercise, the levels of CO2 in the blood increase, triggering an individual to breathe at a faster rate. This increased breathing facilitates the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body while simultaneously allowing for an enhanced intake of oxygen.

When carbon dioxide is compressed and cooled to a temperature of -75ºC, it undergoes a transformation into solid dry ice. Dry ice is commonly utilized in cryosurgery, a medical procedure that involves the freezing and destruction of diseased tissues.




