
Abnormal deposition of calcium salts in tissues. May be due to excessive intake of vitamin D.

A medical condition where deposits of calcium salts form in joints, muscles and organs.

Calcification of the skin and other soft tissues, which particularly affects the skin of the hands. Calcinosis is characterized by swollen hands, pinpicks of red coloration on the skin of the hands, thickened nails, and sores on the fingers. Calcinosis is one of five elements in a form of scleroderma called crest syndrome. The “C” in the acronym CREST stands for calcinosis.

The abnormal deposition of calcium salts in the tissues. This may occur only in the fat layer beneath the skin or it may be more widespread.

A condition marked by abnormal deposition of calcium salts in tissues.

The atypical accumulation of calcium salts in the skin, muscles, or connective tissues gives rise to the development of nodules. This condition, known as calcinosis, is commonly associated with connective tissue disorders like scleroderma.

A condition marked by the unusual accumulation of calcium salts within the tissues.




