A condition in which the spinal cord has been partly severed or compressed, with the result that lower half of the body is paralysed on one side and loses felling in the other side [Described 1851. After Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard (1817-94), French physiologist.]
Hemisection of the spinal cord with: paralysis, loss of position and vibratory sense, and ataxia on the same side of the body as the lesion; and loss of pain and temperature sensitivity on the side opposite the lesion.
A collection of symptoms linked to injury or impairment of a specific region of the spinal cord results in a condition known as a “syndrome.” This syndrome is characterized by the loss of pain and temperature sensation on the side opposite to the damage, below the affected area. Additionally, there is a presence of muscle weakness and stiffness on the same side of the body below the damaged region.