
The French agricultural region of Brie, located east of Paris, is where the soft, creamy cheese known as Brie acquired its name. Brie is now made in Brie, but the cheese actually originated in the lie de France and was named Brie only because Charlemagne, the king of the Franks in the eighth century, was introduced to it while staying at a monastery in Brie. As a place-name, Brie derives from the word briga, which meant, in the language of the ancient Gauls, hill or height; the name Brian, though Celtic in origin, ultimately derives from the same source as briga and is thus a cousin of Brie. Brie, the cheese, was first referred to in English in the mid nineteenth century.

Boursault cheese is a type of soft, creamy cheese that is cultivated with mold and produced on farms located in the northern region of France. This cheese is crafted using whole milk, and the highest quality variety is typically produced during the autumn season.




